Physical Education Newsletter
Dear Parents,
Welcome to a new year of Physical Education at Princeton Elementary. I am excited to be your child’s teacher and look forward to teaching your child the physical education / health standards that will help them become more confident, healthy, and safe. Please fill out and return the Physical Education Participation form that will be sent home the first week of school.
Reminders for PE
Clothing: Students need comfortable clothing that will allow them to move freely, jump, roll, throw, etc... Girls who wear dresses are encouraged to wear shorts under their dress for modesty, and so they can confidently participate fully in the activity. When the weather is hot students should dress so that they do not overheat if we are outside.
Shoes: Shoes should be comfortable and allow them to run and stop (not slip) without falling. A sneaker type shoe is preferred. Students will never be allowed to take their shoes off to participate in an activity. Keep in mind that we have red clay in and around the baseball field with grass as well. Also, a lacquered wood basketball court and a concrete pavilion area. Shoes can get scuffed and marked up.
On picture days, field trips, etc... we will provide activities that allow them to dress up and still participate. Flip flops are never allowed in PE and high heeled shoes with slippery hard soles cause students to slip, fall, and turn ankles.
Water Bottles: Students need to bring a water bottle to PE in order for them to stay hydrated. A disposable bottle is best but personal bottles from home are fine too as long as they write their name on the bottle. Students are responsible for their own property. Forgotten personal water bottles get sent to lost and found and anyone can claim them. Forgotten disposable bottles get emptied and recycled.
Safety: Keeping your child safe and injury free is my first priority. I need your help by making sure they are properly dressed for physical activity. I do not like having to sit a child out, but I would rather do that than risk your child being injured.
Participation: Participation is mandatory unless a note from a parent, doctor, etc… indicates otherwise for a period of time. Please be sure that I am made aware in writing of any modifications that need to be made to your child’s participation. A note to the teacher or office will be forwarded to me and will suffice.
NOTE: While participation is mandatory your child will never be required to participate beyond their physical ability to do so safely. They will be encouraged to do their best!
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me at:
[email protected] (best way to contact me) or leave a voicemail at 407-245-1840 Ex. 3802250 and I will get back to you.
Thank you!
Mr. Burleigh
Princeton Elementary School
Physical Education Teacher
407-245-1840 Ex. 3802250
[email protected]
Revised 8/19